Even older dude swims the channel
Sorry, Matt Damon’s uncle, who once held the record for the oldest person to swim the cold, polluted, debris-cluttered English Channel. You’ve just been outdone by 70-year-old Roger Allsopp, who flailed his way across that miserable stretch of water in a little under 18 hours. Allsopp,...

Toughest old bird of the day: you decide
If you need to be reminded that even the most prosaic trip can have its risks, consider Dan Anders (61) from St. Petersburg, Florida. An avid outdoorsman, Anders was on a not-particularly-adventuresome trip through the West. Visiting the parks, driving aimlessly down back roads, collecting...

Assisted biking
Ever biked a road that you frequently drive? Yes, you have, and on one of those rides, the first time, in a totally nondescript stretch, you grunted, “Where did this soul-sucking hill come from?” Nothing connects you to topography like a bicycle....

More good beer news
You don’t need more reasons to drink beer in moderation. It is salubrious. This has been established. But it never hurts to have additional validation of this claim, another arrow in the quiver when hectored by stiff-necked puritans. So there is this analysis, which says that people who...

Adventure racers love the thrill of plodding through the wilderness for four days
First, let’s establish that only a small percentage of young people should try this. Second, let’s clarify that it is kind of awesome. If you’ve got the stamina…and some fifty-plus racers do…there are still openings for the Mother Lode 4 Day Expedition Race (September...

Unnamed 95-year-old is tougher than you are
Africanized honey bees attacked a 95-year-old man yesterday, stung him enough times to kill him–but didn’t. The Los Angeles Times reports that the bees, riled up by an exterminator, bit the man 400 times. A police spokesman said the man was actually bitten “thousands of...

Sell gold, buy wood
You don’t need this. You can’t afford this. It’s a museum piece. But look…just look… This is the Baron, from Roy Stuart Surfboards.It’s an old-school 12 feet long. It weighs 45 pounds. It lists at $528K. http://www.olosurfer.com/Baron.html

Long-term relationships are either lethal or preservative
There is no good explanation why scientists can’t figure this out. They have a huge sample size. They have millennia of longitudinal data. We’re pretty sure they haven’t settled this one because it keeps people asking the question and paying out those research dollars to solve it. For those who want to keep...