And while we have surfing on our minds… Can we recommend that you click through to a sweet, poppy, and mildly infectious homage to the beach that was? It’s pretty good, right? We would have picked this for our summer song but we didn’t find it until September. There might be a metaphor lurking in that. Anyway, hope you liked it. Time...

Graybeard surfers: “I thought you’d be less wrinkled when you dried out”
Outside of the actually sport, the word “surfing” seems to suggest something that is easy and effortless. (“I’ve been eating nachos and channel surfing all afternoon.” “Those kids spend all night surfing the web.”) This is odd because the sport of surfing strikes the non-surfer (we are...

Only seven months till the ice is off the northern lakes
There’s still plenty of good paddling left in 2011, but this is the time of year when people start looking ahead to the 2012 season. To accommodate that casting forward, canoe and kayak manufacturers are already making promises about what they’ll have available in the spring. (Pouring...

The year of the microadventure
By rights, we should hate Alastair Humphreys. He is pretty clearly having more fun than we are, in more exotic locations, with better gear. But it’s very hard to take issue with a person who has such infectious enthusiasm. And we especially like his campaign to make 2011...

More good beer (or wine) news
This isn’t the first time you’ve heard this but it bears repeating. Alcohol, in moderation, is part of a healthy lifestyle. The latest proof comes from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—your go-to source for health information—which puts alcohol up there with diet, exercise and...

It’s not that unusual: over 60 and radically fit
There’s a condescending “good for you” tone to many profiles of very fit seniors. The implication is that tough old birds are also rare birds. We much prefer articles like this recent overview of senior athletes—runners and bikers and mountain hikers—living in the Los Gatos, California, area. The...

Sarah Palin places second again
At 47, Sarah Palin is a few years shy of fitting into this site’s target demographic. But still, credit is due the former Alaska governor for her performance last weekend in the “Jump Right in and Run” half-marathon hosted by Iowa’s Storm Lake Running Club. Running under her...

The Silent Generation? Really?
The Pew Center is doing interesting work on how people use the internet. Did you know that the thing people do the most online is search, and second most is get health information? At every age. So teenagers and olds are all preoccupied with their bodies and how they are...

Is it too early in the season to write about old people skiing?
No, it is not. We’ve seen some interesting changes in gear (which we’ll address in the near future) but for now we’re paying attention to the ever-escalating cost of senior tickets. Not that many years ago, ski hills would give a free ticket to any...

Car camping, the early years
You can be impressed by Thomas Coleman du Pont (1863-1930) because he supervised the construction of the DuPont Highway through Delaware, or because he was a two-term U.S. senator from that state, or because he had the good sense to be born a great-grandson of the founder of...