Less blonde, less bushy bushy, still out there
We’re admittedly over-charmed by the notion of old surfers. Look around and you realize they are common, with their own blogs and their own competitions, like the San Diego Senior Olympics’ first Masters and Legends surf competition, held last week near the Oceanside Municipal Pier. Some have surfed so...

Sunday quote: October 9, 2011
“My home ranch-house stands on the river brink. From the low, long veranda, shaded by leafy cotton-woods, one looks across sand bars and shallows to a strip of meadowland, behind which rises a line of sheer cliffs and grassy plateaus. This veranda is a pleasant...

Is it safe to eat snakes?
Well, is it? We don’t know. This article from Outside raises and presumably answers the question. We don’t know because we haven’t read it. We don’t need to. Here’s why: Let’s say you’re on a long hike…no, call it a trek, alone, in a wilderness. A wasteland. And...

Welcome to the democratization of adventure
For many years, older adventure travelers all seemed to come from the same slice of humanity: they were all from developed nations that had given them the life savings and pensions that can fund an excursion to New Guinea or Cameroon. (Obviously, they weren’t all...

Glamping: not glamorous, not camping – but hard to dismiss
Occasionally, one comes across a story on glamping, a portmanteau word combining glamour and camping. So, glamorous camping: boardwalks through the forest, spacious white safari tents with beds and plumbing, top-notch food cooked by a real chef—but with the scenery and silence of the wilderness. At first...

Sunday quote: October 2, 2011
“Wander a whole summer if you can. Thousands of God’s blessings will search you and soak you as if you were a sponge, and the big days will go by uncounted. If you are business-tangled and so burdened by duty that only weeks can be...
Today’s John Muir Trail video suggests it’s a lark to hike 230 miles
Almost There – The Muir Project Given the number of people who hike California’s John Muir Trail, which runs along the backbone of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, and given the number of talented cinematographers in that part of the world, you would think that the internet would be awash with breathtaking videos of the...