Retirement is traumatic so this might seem a bit frivolous…but why do so many retirement-related ads and articles show old people living out of a van?
Granted, today’s oldsters probably invented van-life. While “KampKars” and “land yachts” have been with us since the start of motorized travel, Boomers made cross-country treks in a small, self-contained vehicle a generational fantasy. But that was then.
This is now: old people are often adventurous but also, often, willing to forego a bit of adventure for a bit of comfort. And living in a van is not comfortable. Seating is limited. Privacy and alone-time are nonexistent. You have to lie down to put on your pants. Mattresses are usually thin foam and if you have even a touch of claustrophobia you will be made insane. Van-life is camping with exhaust fumes and fractionally better bear protection. It looks like fun and there is—still, always—the romance of the open road, but it is not for everyone. And not for most old people.
Caveat: Mercedes has a 4×4 sprinter cargo van that looks pretty accommodating. You can stand up while dressing for a low starting price of $57,400 (beds, kitchen, lighting and other amenities not included).
Image via Wikimedia. Please note that this sadly defunct gem synthesizes a VW bug and a VW bus.