Well, that was refreshing! Till now….
Ever notice how a few weeks away from the office upgrades your mood? You have ideas…and visions. You develop plans for making those visions a reality. That’s why companies have off-site meetings and vacation benefits—to give you a renewed sense of meaning and purpose. Haha. Companies just want you out of the office. It’s a...

Hello, Mauritius, our 100th country
We’re still a very new website—just 9 months and a few weeks—but our scrawny tentacles are stretching slowly around the globe. We are very pleased to announce that the island nation of Mauritius just became our 100th country. Well, strictly speaking, it’s not our country. It’s a country from which someone visited us. But we...

Howdy, Mongolia!
We did it! February 24, on our six-month anniversary (yes, it does sound like something high school sweethearts would say), we did what connivers always do: we professed our affection, and our thanks, and then asked for something in return. Specifically, we asked our good readers to help us reach just one reader in Mongolia....

Help us find our first Mongolian reader!
Gentle reader, if you have at your disposal some way to forward a link to this web site to a kind soul in Ulan Bator, or anywhere else in the fine high country of Mongolia, please do so. Here’s why: As of today, we’re six months into this experiment and reasonably...

Saturday hash comes early: January 26, 2012
The idea behind these assemblages of random snippets is that they are supposed to accumulate over the week and then we chuck them out on the weekend, when we’re rather be doing something else. But sometimes the bucket gets filled early, and great news doesn’t necessary keep. So… These are...

Rainer Hertrich takes a break: The run of runs comes to an end
It’s over. Rainer Hertrich, the 50-year-old madman who had skied every day for 2,993 consecutive days, has stopped. The run of runs that started in 2003 is at an end, which means that Hertrich can finally claim his Guinness record for “Accumulated Vertical Descent in Consecutive Days on Telemark Gear.” ESPN...

Boundary Waters video even more beautiful knowing the place is on fire
Missing Hatchet from Nate Ptacek on Vimeo. Freelance photographer and cinematographer Nate Ptacek has put together a video (set nicely to music by the Fleet Foxes) of a September canoe trip through Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. It’s a pleasant wintertime reminder of what’s so great about the woods…and there’s a special frisson when...

Doing well with less: older runners slower but just as efficient
When olds are active…really active…they are a special class. They don’t perform like younger athletes. They don’t recuperate like younger athletes. And they shouldn’t train like younger athletes. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t similarities. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (and summarized in yesterday’s New...

Health Watch
This is a shoulder season—too cold and too often icy for comfortable biking and too warm and rainy for snow sports (at least at our elevation)—so we are inside more than we like. This is a time to concentrate on health and fitness, building up resources that we can put...

Americans recalibrate retirement expectations, plan to spend more time hanging around doing nothing special
In this month’s least surprising research results, a new retirement readiness survey released by Ameriprise Financial finds that Americans are feeling less sanguine about what retirement is going to look like. The New Retirement Mindscape 2011 City Pulse index (which incidentally is also this month’s most excitingly titled study) looks...

Another John Muir Trail video
A few weeks ago we posted a wonderful video on California’s John Muir Trail. Given that there are hundreds of beautiful trails (and apparently thousands of highly professional videographers out there), it seems unnecessary to revisit that particular hiking route so soon. But we were drawn to this short blog entry...

So much of a good thing: skiing 365 days a year for eight years
There’s a point where the guy with an awesome idea becomes the guy with the epic ambition. And another point where his epic ambition becomes his white whale, his Daisy Buchanan, his driving and terrifying obsession. We’re not sure where Rainer Hertrich lands on that spectrum. At the moment,...