Go fight cancer tomorrow night
The past year has brought hope that the thing that kills you won’t be cancer. Your demise might come from something even more hideous and protracted, but there’s a better chance that it won’t be cancer. More important to everyone but you, kids are getting more cancer-fighting tools. As the New York Times reported earlier...

Nature shower with a friend in 2013
Here’s a New Year’s resolution you’ll want to follow through on: take more nature showers, ideally with a friend. Or friends. As is usually the case with good ideas, there’s nothing new about this except the way we talk about it. “Taking a nature shower” is just another way of saying you should walk in...

Two more things on glamping
Everyone should self-impose a limit on the number of stories they write on glamping. Like one a month and maybe ten in a lifetime. So apologies, but two things have crossed my desk that demand to be relayed to anyone who has read this far: First, you need to see the array of products...

New glamping option looks like a Tylenol capsule. Or candy.
It’s hard to believe that the hotel industry is threatened by glamping. For two reasons: one, it feels like a fad, a flash in the pan. And two, even though the media finds it a catchy subject, not that many people are going to give up the Super 8 or Hyatt for a night in...

In biking as in life, listen to the women
And then give them what they want. That’s one conclusion found in City Cycling (MIT Press 2012), which the Rutgers Focus calls “a guide to the urban cycling renaissance underway in most countries of the western industrialized world.” The book, co-edited by professors John Pucher (from Rutgers ) and Ralph Buehler (Virginia Tech), contains...

If you love America, go skiing.
Remember after 9/11, when George Bush advised America to go shopping? For the good of the country and the economy. Because purchasing power is power, after all. And power should be exercised. Against the terorists. (Sidebar: You don’t need Don Draper to sell this message; most Americans accepted it intuitively. If your way of...

Our Election Day video
We feel like this dog on Election Day. We want to go outside—let’s say, to take a nice walk—but we have an obligation to do something else. Something we really should do but we’re just so done with it all that we want to crawl under the bed. That said, we’re crawling out from under...

No one knows why you can’t stay up to watch the news
As people age, their sleep patterns change. This is not a revelation for you. Once, you could stay up till 2 a.m., sleep 12 hours, then do it over again. And feel great doing it. Now you go to bed at 10 p.m., turn turn turn, knuckle the pillow, wonder if the iPad will wake...

The season’s first ski story
New Zealand’s Otago Daily Times just ran a story about an adaptive ski program for disabled skiers and snowboarders, which is a pleasing piece to read if you like the idea of disabled people enjoying all the good things in life, and if you’re looking ahead to winter and are happy to see a ski...

Fitness can compress your inevitable debility. Yay.
If you turned 65 in the middle of the last century—in 1950—you could expect 13.1 years more of life if you were a man and 16.2 years if you were a woman. If you turned 65 in 2007, your remaining life expectancy was 17.2 (male) and 19.9 (female) years. So, in theory, that’s about four...

Briefly, we rise from our political stupor
One reason why no one pays any attention to what a candidate says on the issues is that no one believes they say what they think. This is cynical. And accurate. If you don’t recognize a platform as a jumble of marketing phrases meant to cobble together enough votes to win, you are not paying...

Outdoor industry flexes its nicely toned muscles
Look who’s throwing its granola-fed weight around. The 4,000-member Outdoor Industry Association is threatening to pull an important trade show from Salt Lake City unless Utah stops its plans to horn in on millions of acres of federally protected lands. A lot of money and a lot of land is caught up in this debate....