A Curious Obsession
In early March of 1979, Ranger Steve and I were traveling Highway 2 from East Glacier, Montana to Kalispell. Having just reviewed an epic production of Barefoot in the Park by the East Glacier Players, we were headed west to do a little alpine sliding. The entire area was besieged with slides and major avalanches...

Art in passing
We are sad to mark the passing of B. Hive. We didn’t know he was even feeling bad…indeed we didn’t even know he was, at all. So imagine our surprise when his epitaph rolled by at 60 m.p.h. It was accompanied by a burst of color and images surpassing the mundane suburban gallery it rolled...

Vargas of the trail map gets his due
We are occasionally confined to the great indoor wasteland of the desk, corner office, or garret. There we stare at a computer screen all day, with no opportunity to roam the precious spaces on earth. (Of course there is Google Earth, but the emptiness of that world wearies after a time. And, let’s face it,...

Another outdoor pursuit
While not conducive to the healthiest of lifestyles, the lowly cigar has become the last refuge of a population entirely comfortable with politically incorrect acts. Stereotypes die hard (and usually of cancer) but as I took on the art of the cigar it became clear that this was indeed an outdoor pursuit. When my favorite...

Paraphernalia redux
We have become a nostalgic lot. This morning I was Googling, recollecting the back-of-the-calf supports that were slid into or otherwise added to old ski boots. All I came up with were Jet Stix, the lame supports that losers strapped to their Rosemount boots. (Who used Rosemount boots anyway?) I...