In biking as in life, listen to the women
And then give them what they want. That’s one conclusion found in City Cycling (MIT Press 2012), which the Rutgers Focus calls “a guide to the urban cycling renaissance underway in most countries of the western industrialized world.” The book, co-edited by professors John Pucher (from Rutgers ) and Ralph Buehler (Virginia Tech), contains...

Love your car? Get a bike.
If you love your car, you need to ride a bike. I have a slightly complicated rationale for this position, so you to have to pay slightly more attention than usual for a Recreati story. It begins with Superstorm Sandy and our human need to know the cause of horrible things. If we have...

Raleigh is now a Dutch brand
The iconic British bike-maker, Raleigh Cycle has been sold to Dutch rival Accell for $100 million. Founded 125 years ago, Raleigh was once the largest bike manufacturer in the world, employing 8,000 people. Make no mistake, Raleigh is still a going concern. It sold 850,000 bikes last year; its current brands include Avenir and Diamondback....

Nice racks in Amsterdam
Of all the videos you’ve seen of the Netherlands, this one is the least likely to make you dig into your IRA and call KLM. It shows a group of municipal bureaucrats from America touring the Netherlands to learn how that country has promoted bicycling. So, no windmills. Not much focus on the architecture of...

Bicycling Magazine plays us for a fool
We aren’t dumb…but we are susceptible. Which is why we were drawn in by the press release touting Bicycling Magazine’s latest readers’ poll, which leads with the finding that 58 percent of the publication’s female readers would give up sex for a month rather than spend a similar time off...

Rabbit hole for cyclists
The internet is a rabbit hole, which is its blessing and its curse. You stumble across a link, and fall headlong into a world you never knew existed. A new reality opens up; hours disappear. It can begin with a simple Google Alert that points to an article in...

Car-bike battle continues, this time in print ads. Advantage: bikes.
Cars and bikes need to share the road. It’s the law, and it matters for our health and well-being. And we need both. Sorry, until we figure out something better (sun-powered hover-cars!), we need four wheels and a chassis to plow through the drifts on those frigid dark...

There’s an app for this bike…or there’s a bike for this app
Why does an auto-maker like Ford offer an e-bike, even as a concept, when they’re (1) strapped for cash and (2) pre-occupied with bringing new technology into their four-wheeled vehicles. Could be just a PR gambit. Could be someone saw all these technologies on the shelf and thought...

Assisted biking
Ever biked a road that you frequently drive? Yes, you have, and on one of those rides, the first time, in a totally nondescript stretch, you grunted, “Where did this soul-sucking hill come from?” Nothing connects you to topography like a bicycle....