Feeling a bit sheepish…
This website is not known for its consistency. We have a bad habit of appearing with some truly excellent aggregation of other’s reporting, muddled with our own observations and complaints—and then disappearing for months or even years. Do you care why? Of course not. So no excuses. Let’s just say we’re back for as long...

Starting Over
Notwithstanding the relentless self-promotion practiced by our sitting president, we think it’s unseemly to draw attention to one’s own nice touches. Unless we think they’re really pretty good and someone might miss that “Starting Over” is a John Lennon song and our last entry…four years ago…was about a John Lennon song. Four years later,...

Hello, Mauritius, our 100th country
We’re still a very new website—just 9 months and a few weeks—but our scrawny tentacles are stretching slowly around the globe. We are very pleased to announce that the island nation of Mauritius just became our 100th country. Well, strictly speaking, it’s not our country. It’s a country from which someone visited us. But we...