Less blonde, less bushy bushy, still out there
We’re admittedly over-charmed by the notion of old surfers. Look around and you realize they are common, with their own blogs and their own competitions, like the San Diego Senior Olympics’ first Masters and Legends surf competition, held last week near the Oceanside Municipal Pier. Some have surfed so...

Graybeard surfers: “I thought you’d be less wrinkled when you dried out”
Outside of the actually sport, the word “surfing” seems to suggest something that is easy and effortless. (“I’ve been eating nachos and channel surfing all afternoon.” “Those kids spend all night surfing the web.”) This is odd because the sport of surfing strikes the non-surfer (we are...

Sell gold, buy wood
You don’t need this. You can’t afford this. It’s a museum piece. But look…just look… This is the Baron, from Roy Stuart Surfboards.It’s an old-school 12 feet long. It weighs 45 pounds. It lists at $528K. http://www.olosurfer.com/Baron.html