Did you have a happy National Parks Week?
Why does anyone think we need a National Parks Week? To “celebrate” these treasures? No. Bogus. You don’t “celebrate” good wine or the Sistine Chapel. Yes, you acknowledge the joy they give us, so in that sense you celebrate them. But the main idea is that you are supposed to partake of them. Consume them....

This is what ski videos used to look like
One nostalgic post (Runestone’s harkening back to his Jet Stix knock-offs) leads us to another. We came on this fascinating film that purports to show skiers in 1932 Poland’s Tatra Mountains (Geography lesson: The Tatra Mountains form a natural border between Slovakia and Poland, and are the highest mountain range in the Carpathian Mountains. Thanks,...

The Sweetest Valentine (for your bike)
Typical: We’re a tad late for Valentine’s Day. We thought about trying to let it slip by, without saying anything, but then we came across this touching video from British Cycling. Sure, it’s corny. Love’s like that. The organization asked readers to confess whether they spent more on their bikes or...

The other side of the wave
The Underwater Project has produced this sweet video describing what it does and showcasing the talents of founder Mark Tipple. The 29-year-old Australian has something interesting here—people have photographed other people underwater for many years, but you haven’t seen them holding on as a 12-foot wave collapses above them....

Boundary Waters video even more beautiful knowing the place is on fire
Missing Hatchet from Nate Ptacek on Vimeo. Freelance photographer and cinematographer Nate Ptacek has put together a video (set nicely to music by the Fleet Foxes) of a September canoe trip through Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. It’s a pleasant wintertime reminder of what’s so great about the woods…and there’s a special frisson when...
Today’s John Muir Trail video suggests it’s a lark to hike 230 miles
Almost There – The Muir Project Given the number of people who hike California’s John Muir Trail, which runs along the backbone of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, and given the number of talented cinematographers in that part of the world, you would think that the internet would be awash with breathtaking videos of the...
And while we have surfing on our minds…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLTEPzKRa-k Can we recommend that you click through to a sweet, poppy, and mildly infectious homage to the beach that was? It’s pretty good, right? We would have picked this for our summer song but we didn’t find it until September. There might be a metaphor lurking in that. Anyway, hope you liked it. Time...