Over 50, Outdoors

Adventure, fitness, travel, gear
Shoulder Season 2: (Supposed) Best Hikes in the U.S.

Shoulder Season 2: (Supposed) Best Hikes in the U.S.

Let’s begin with the obvious: there is no such thing as a “best hike.” We have chocolate and vanilla for a reason, which is that people have different tastes. And capacities. What might excite or challenge one hiker could bore another. You get the point. That said, it is an...
Shoulder Season 1: It’s soon time to hike

Shoulder Season 1: It’s soon time to hike

Ski season isn’t over, but the end is nigh. (Seasonally, of course. Also, existentially. If the world gets another few bad winters, the ski resort economy in some countries will be in serious trouble. Doubt us? Check this collection of abandoned lifts and dirt slopes.) So it’s time to think...
Klaus Obermeyer is a 100-year-old beast

Klaus Obermeyer is a 100-year-old beast

Apologies if you woke up this morning and hoped for a day in which you didn’t feel lame. Because this isn’t going to help: Klaus Obermeyer just turned 100, and he has been celebrating the way a ski legend should, with a daily half-mile swim, long stints in the gym...
The Soft Bigotry of Age Brackets

The Soft Bigotry of Age Brackets

Age gives one a good, heavy rind. A durable crust that preserves the psyche and reduces the faint sting of left-handed compliments and micro-aggressions. Pride is still there, but it’s tempered by the knowledge that you do have limits. And failures. But still, repeated slights—no matter how subtle—get under the...
Ski North Korea! Also, Again: Climate Change

Ski North Korea! Also, Again: Climate Change

Yes, climate change is an existential threat to the planet, so you can’t really belabor the point. Yet, there are other things going on in the world. Since we’ve mentioned climate a number of times in the past month (including our last post), it’s probably time to move on. But...
When obsessions collide: Pensions, skiing and climate change

When obsessions collide: Pensions, skiing and climate change

This will be of limited utility but we find it difficult to ignore a set of stories that tickle three—count ‘em—three of our current preoccupations. To begin: workers in France are in a major state of whip-up-idness over proposed changes to their pension system. Pensions…for younger American readers who don’t...
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    Saturday stew: December 10, 2011

    Saturday stew: December 10, 2011

            Yes, we are debuting a new feature: an assortment, a stew, a bouillabaisse of delectable items that we’ve collected over the week . In another example of bad timing—or perhaps hesitancy—we’re launching it a day late. But we’ll do better later. Meanwhile, enjoy: Winter routes: In the summer, we’re inclined to...
    The secret to a reasonable retirement: flee the country

    The secret to a reasonable retirement: flee the country

          As America ages—and it’s really aging—America’s newspapers and websites are churning out lists of great places to retire. Sadly, these survey stories are meaningless for a large proportion of older folks because (as reported a few weeks ago) a staggeringly high percentage of Americans have only a pittance set aside for retirement....
    Sunday Quote: December 4, 2011

    Sunday Quote: December 4, 2011

                “Getting an inch of snow is like winning 10 cents in the lottery.” ~ Cartoonist Bill Watterson Photo by Gwen and James Anderson, via Wikimedia Commons
    Mayo Clinic looking at what keeps you really alive

    Mayo Clinic looking at what keeps you really alive

            Over the past three years, the renowned Mayo Clinic has been building “one of the largest aging centers in the nation,” according to the Minneapolis StarTribune, with “48 geriatricians, 10 geriatric psychiatrists and research supported by 90 federal or private foundation grants.” And they’ve put all that money to good use,...
    On alcohol, scientists still successfully confusing us

    On alcohol, scientists still successfully confusing us

              Anyone who drinks has probably decided either that the health benefits don’t exist or don’t matter. We’re pretty sure no one drinks because of the health benefits. No matter what you tell your spouse. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t interested in the news about alcohol and health, because we’re...
    Sunday quote: November 27, 2011

    Sunday quote: November 27, 2011

            “I never knew a man who took a bedroll into an Idaho mountainside and slept there under a star-studded summer sky who felt self-important that next morning. Unless we preserve some opportunity for future generations to have the same experience, we shall have dishonored our trust.” ~ Sen. Frank Church, 1924-1984...
    Health Watch

    Health Watch

              This is a shoulder season—too cold and too often icy for comfortable biking and too warm and rainy for snow sports (at least at our elevation)—so we are inside more than we like. This is a time to concentrate on health and fitness, building up resources that we can put...
    Plugged in, in nature: How much isolation do we want?

    Plugged in, in nature: How much isolation do we want?

            Alaska Dispatch has a nice piece by Deanna Neil on the integration of technology and our experience of nature. Truth be told, that integration has been going on for centuries, since an ink-stained printer using movable type chunked out the first backpack-sized plant and wildlife identification books. And books are just...
    More magical thinking about retirement

    More magical thinking about retirement

              The seventh annual Retirement Survey from Wells Fargo, released last week from the company’s headquarters on top of its huge mountain of government money, is thought-provoking. But not in a good way. It is thought-provoking because it reveals so much recklessness, fecklessness, and denial. And those qualities make us stop...
    Sunday quote: November 20, 2011

    Sunday quote: November 20, 2011

            “Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.” ~ Thomas Jefferson (Full disclosure: We are very skeptical that Jefferson said this. It’s all over the Internet as a Jefferson quote, but there...
    National parks not likely to be vaporized next year

    National parks not likely to be vaporized next year

          Anyone who’s a fan of the U.S. National Park Service knows that it’s been a rough few years, what with the chronic underfunding, and the occasional bear-mauling, and now the looming likelihood of a 9 percent budget hit if Congress’ super-committee can’t figure out a rational way to take care of its...
    Americans recalibrate retirement expectations, plan to spend more time hanging around doing nothing special

    Americans recalibrate retirement expectations, plan to spend more time hanging around doing nothing special

              In this month’s least surprising research results, a new retirement readiness survey released by Ameriprise Financial finds that Americans are feeling less sanguine about what retirement is going to look like. The New Retirement Mindscape 2011 City Pulse index (which incidentally is also this month’s most excitingly titled study) looks...