Love, fractally
Simon Beck is back at his winter home at Les Arcs, the French ski resort, stomping more extraordinary designs into the snowy landscape. Beck, a self-employed map-maker from the south of England, laboriously paces out his complicated artworks, spending about 10 hours on each. Then he takes a photograph or two…and waits for his masterpiece...

Art in passing
We are sad to mark the passing of B. Hive. We didn’t know he was even feeling bad…indeed we didn’t even know he was, at all. So imagine our surprise when his epitaph rolled by at 60 m.p.h. It was accompanied by a burst of color and images surpassing the mundane suburban gallery it rolled...

Why hasn’t this man gone viral?
Before you read any more of this post, take a breath…prepare yourself for awesomeness…then go take a look at Simon Beck’s Snow Art Facebook page. Then come back here. We’ll wait. OK, that was great, right? Great because it is unexpectedly cool. And because it is so simple you can’t understand why someone hasn’t done...

Vargas of the trail map gets his due
We are occasionally confined to the great indoor wasteland of the desk, corner office, or garret. There we stare at a computer screen all day, with no opportunity to roam the precious spaces on earth. (Of course there is Google Earth, but the emptiness of that world wearies after a time. And, let’s face it,...