Bicycle crank
As people age, they seem to transition from passionate soul to old crank. At least the lucky ones, who have been blessed or cursed with something they love. Or are obsessed with. (The distinction gets hazy with some passions and some people.) Call it anything you like. We are in love with/obsessed by people...

A Curious Obsession
In early March of 1979, Ranger Steve and I were traveling Highway 2 from East Glacier, Montana to Kalispell. Having just reviewed an epic production of Barefoot in the Park by the East Glacier Players, we were headed west to do a little alpine sliding. The entire area was besieged with slides and major avalanches...

Raleigh is now a Dutch brand
The iconic British bike-maker, Raleigh Cycle has been sold to Dutch rival Accell for $100 million. Founded 125 years ago, Raleigh was once the largest bike manufacturer in the world, employing 8,000 people. Make no mistake, Raleigh is still a going concern. It sold 850,000 bikes last year; its current brands include Avenir and Diamondback....

Vintage ski photos prompt nostalgia for a time we never knew
Some days skiing—especially resort skiing—seems to have no more connection to the raw mountain than a Carnival cruise ship has to the sea. If you snap into your bindings in hopes of engaging nature, you will be disappointed. The hills are mostly manicured and groomed, rendered comfortable and convenient and predictable. Most folks like...

This is what ski videos used to look like
One nostalgic post (Runestone’s harkening back to his Jet Stix knock-offs) leads us to another. We came on this fascinating film that purports to show skiers in 1932 Poland’s Tatra Mountains (Geography lesson: The Tatra Mountains form a natural border between Slovakia and Poland, and are the highest mountain range in the Carpathian Mountains. Thanks,...

Put down the ginger curry and applaud Fauja Singh, 100-year-old marathoner
At age 100, British runner Fauja Singh completed Sunday’s Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 8:25:16, placing 3,850 out of 3,855. Which means first that he is a phenomenal athlete and second that five people had to slink home after the race and admit they were beat by someone who was born the...

Sunday quote: October 9, 2011
“My home ranch-house stands on the river brink. From the low, long veranda, shaded by leafy cotton-woods, one looks across sand bars and shallows to a strip of meadowland, behind which rises a line of sheer cliffs and grassy plateaus. This veranda is a pleasant...

Car camping, the early years
You can be impressed by Thomas Coleman du Pont (1863-1930) because he supervised the construction of the DuPont Highway through Delaware, or because he was a two-term U.S. senator from that state, or because he had the good sense to be born a great-grandson of the founder of...