Why hasn’t this man gone viral?
Before you read any more of this post, take a breath…prepare yourself for awesomeness…then go take a look at Simon Beck’s Snow Art Facebook page. Then come back here. We’ll wait. OK, that was great, right? Great because it is unexpectedly cool. And because it is so simple you can’t understand why someone hasn’t done...

Our Super Bowl tribute to love and sex
About 30 percent of Baby Boomers are single, and many of you rely on internet dating sites to make connections (in fact seniors’ use of such sites is growing at twice the rate of other age groups). So it seems likely that you’ll be interested in Match.com’s annual...

The Silent Generation? Really?
The Pew Center is doing interesting work on how people use the internet. Did you know that the thing people do the most online is search, and second most is get health information? At every age. So teenagers and olds are all preoccupied with their bodies and how they are...