Ouch: Another story about scaling back without stopping
Earlier this week we noted a story about the often painful transition to a less aggressive, less violent, less taxing and (alas) usually less adrenaline-pumping activity. It’s not something we like to dwell on, but it’s worth paying attention to because most of us will have to make that shift,...

Denial, bargaining, resignation: making the transition to (somewhat) tamer pursuits
At some point, each of us decides to set aside the things of a child and pick up the things of a being with weak knees and occasional shooting neck pains. Often there’s a watershed moment. (“Mark the date and time. That was my last roller-coaster.”) More often, the...

Sunday Quote: October 23, 2011
“If you don’t do it this year, you’ll be one year older when you do.” –Warren Miller, the godfather of sports action films

Sorry for the interruption
Apologies to all who visited the site this evening. We’re learning our craft on the job—it’s like an old world apprenticeship program, absent the stingy and abusive master who actually knows the business—and most steps forward are pretty halting. So, for a bit, you might have...