Sunday quote: December 11, 2011
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” ~ Henry David Thoreau,...

Sunday quote: November 27, 2011
“I never knew a man who took a bedroll into an Idaho mountainside and slept there under a star-studded summer sky who felt self-important that next morning. Unless we preserve some opportunity for future generations to have the same experience, we shall have dishonored our trust.” ~ Sen. Frank Church, 1924-1984...

Plugged in, in nature: How much isolation do we want?
Alaska Dispatch has a nice piece by Deanna Neil on the integration of technology and our experience of nature. Truth be told, that integration has been going on for centuries, since an ink-stained printer using movable type chunked out the first backpack-sized plant and wildlife identification books. And books are just...

National parks not likely to be vaporized next year
Anyone who’s a fan of the U.S. National Park Service knows that it’s been a rough few years, what with the chronic underfunding, and the occasional bear-mauling, and now the looming likelihood of a 9 percent budget hit if Congress’ super-committee can’t figure out a rational way to take care of its...

Sunday Quote: October 16, 2011
“The good of going into the mountains is that life is reconsidered. “ ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson (We snatched this quote from the blog of Tom Ryan, a middle-aged Massachusetts journalist who hiked all 48 of the 4,000-foot peaks in the White Mountains....

Sunday quote: October 9, 2011
“My home ranch-house stands on the river brink. From the low, long veranda, shaded by leafy cotton-woods, one looks across sand bars and shallows to a strip of meadowland, behind which rises a line of sheer cliffs and grassy plateaus. This veranda is a pleasant...

Sunday quote: October 2, 2011
“Wander a whole summer if you can. Thousands of God’s blessings will search you and soak you as if you were a sponge, and the big days will go by uncounted. If you are business-tangled and so burdened by duty that only weeks can be...