Looking for SWF with DRD4 7R allele?
Let’s say you are single. You’re reading over the entries on Match.com and thinking about a partner for life’s Second or Third Act. Are you looking for a profile that says, “Get with me. I’m likely to die quick, but our time together will feel long because I am dull”? No, you are not. You...

Booze: still bamboozling
People who exercise aren’t particularly puritanical. Often, they are the opposite: they can be dedicated (indeed, disciplined) sensualists, hedonists, in it for the endorphins, for the euphoria. So it’s no surprise that they seek the same buzz in other places, including the pub. A study by the University of Miami found that women who exercise...

Bicycling Magazine plays us for a fool
We aren’t dumb…but we are susceptible. Which is why we were drawn in by the press release touting Bicycling Magazine’s latest readers’ poll, which leads with the finding that 58 percent of the publication’s female readers would give up sex for a month rather than spend a similar time off...

Our Super Bowl tribute to love and sex
About 30 percent of Baby Boomers are single, and many of you rely on internet dating sites to make connections (in fact seniors’ use of such sites is growing at twice the rate of other age groups). So it seems likely that you’ll be interested in Match.com’s annual...

Old people: not as drunk as the young but hornier than you think
The Centers for Disease Control has release a report of American drinking habits that “astounded” researchers. Note that word: researchers don’t normally admit it when they are astounded, unless it’s by something enchanting, like a new species or subatomic particle. When you say you are astounded by human behavior that...

Health Watch
This is a shoulder season—too cold and too often icy for comfortable biking and too warm and rainy for snow sports (at least at our elevation)—so we are inside more than we like. This is a time to concentrate on health and fitness, building up resources that we can put...