We take your point: let the old birds fly
This probably doesn’t count as an exposé because, well, no one tries to hide it. But the story in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal is nevertheless shocking and appalling. The Journal reports that the “fastest-growing population in federal and state prisons are those 55 and older,” and the cost...

Toward a new definition of extreme sports
Two stories this week raise the issue of what we are talking about when we talk about extreme sports. Typically, the term is used to describe anything really dangerous and really unusual: physical activities pursued by a few people at the far end of the bell curve of crazy. (Base...

Put down the ginger curry and applaud Fauja Singh, 100-year-old marathoner
At age 100, British runner Fauja Singh completed Sunday’s Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 8:25:16, placing 3,850 out of 3,855. Which means first that he is a phenomenal athlete and second that five people had to slink home after the race and admit they were beat by someone who was born the...

Toughest old bird of the day: you decide
If you need to be reminded that even the most prosaic trip can have its risks, consider Dan Anders (61) from St. Petersburg, Florida. An avid outdoorsman, Anders was on a not-particularly-adventuresome trip through the West. Visiting the parks, driving aimlessly down back roads, collecting...

Unnamed 95-year-old is tougher than you are
Africanized honey bees attacked a 95-year-old man yesterday, stung him enough times to kill him–but didn’t. The Los Angeles Times reports that the bees, riled up by an exterminator, bit the man 400 times. A police spokesman said the man was actually bitten “thousands of...