Failure to crunch
It might not be your fault. If you don’t like to exercise, or if the exercise you do doesn’t seem to count for much, there are reasons that have nothing to do with your discipline, your will, or your moral fiber. You are not a puss. It’s your DNA. The Wall Street Journal recently...

Exercise might make you less fit
It’s been a painful week for exercise. First, a review of six studies of physical exercise found that 10 percent of the subjects—people who exercised regularly—actually experienced a decline on one of four common measures of heart disease (blood pressure, insulin, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides). Seven percent scored worse on two measures. So, for reasons...

Saturday stew: December 10, 2011
Yes, we are debuting a new feature: an assortment, a stew, a bouillabaisse of delectable items that we’ve collected over the week . In another example of bad timing—or perhaps hesitancy—we’re launching it a day late. But we’ll do better later. Meanwhile, enjoy: Winter routes: In the summer, we’re inclined to...

Health Watch
This is a shoulder season—too cold and too often icy for comfortable biking and too warm and rainy for snow sports (at least at our elevation)—so we are inside more than we like. This is a time to concentrate on health and fitness, building up resources that we can put...

Exercise and weight loss: Do these running shorts make me look “skinny fat”?
Over the past month or so, the web has blessed us with a handful of articles on the limited effect that exercise—especially running—can have on weight loss. Some of the arguments are simplistic (albeit accurate enough): people who work out a lot tend to eat...

More good beer news
You don’t need more reasons to drink beer in moderation. It is salubrious. This has been established. But it never hurts to have additional validation of this claim, another arrow in the quiver when hectored by stiff-necked puritans. So there is this analysis, which says that people who...